Niesä Cup

On a gray Sunday morning in January, do you really want to get up early and play a softball tournament?

Certainly some people asked this question, but for the Unicorns softball team the joy of playing again overcame any lethargy. So the Unicorns started fully motivated in the first games and won them easily. In the 4th game, the team’s concentration eased a bit, but still drove the Unicorns to a narrow victory. What was already apparent in the 4th game then became  fate in the 5th game. After 3 innings, the score was still 0-0. Late in the game, the team gave up 7 runs and could only score 2. This was the wake-up call for the next 4 games which the team went on to win. The Unicorns finished the tournament with a spectacular 8-1 record and second place finish.

Special thanks to the new players, Serena and Titian. At no time did it feel like you were playing your first tournament. Congrats Unicorns!